1:1 Beginner Special

1 intro session - $100

6 sessions - $600

Not sure if you’re ready to start tango? Sign up for 1 intro session. OR get the full download in 6 sessions and start dancing socially within 2 months!

1:1 Tango Instruction (1 hour)

1 session - $160

4 sessions - $480

Posture correction, proper alignment and technique for most commonly danced tango figures at the milonga. Leading and following.

Each session is recorded and video available for replay on a personal dashboard.

1:1 Tango Practice (1 hour)

1 session - $80

4 sessions - $240

Uninterrupted dance time with me, switching roles every song, without feedback or correction. Analyzing video of our dance for improvement.

Must know the basics in both roles. Each session is recorded and video available for replay on a personal dashboard.


  • Instructional sessions are perfect if you want to learn specific mechanics/vocabulary, work on your posture, figure out why something is not working. You receive my guidance and feedback. During practice sessions we just dance without feedback and assess our movement by watching videos of our dance. I provide very limited feedback and serve as your dance partner to help you work things out.

  • We switch roles after every song. During the first part of the session we dance 6 songs. Then we look at the video and assess. We then go back to dancing another 4 songs implementing the changes we decided to make after watching the video.

  • To sign up for practice sessions you need to have a working understanding of the basics in both roles. Here is a list of what I consider to be the basic vocabulary for social dancing: walking in parallel system, basic right turn, basic left turn, parallel system cross.

  • You will have a personalized dashboard set up on my website where you will be able to access all the videos.

  • YES! This is one of the best ways to get the most out of our time together. You can either do instruction one day and practice the next, or you can sign up for both back to back so we would work together for 2 hours.

Don’t see your question listed?

My aim is to clarify, simplify, and demystify the inner workings of social tango so that you have the time of your life whenever you step on the dance floor.

I have been teaching movement and body mechanics since 2001. I hold 500-hr yoga certification and have studied a variety of dance and movement modalities including blues and fusion, ballet, Gyrotonics, and Franklin Method.

By integrating insights from other movement traditions, I will show you how tango can be easy on your body and your mind.

Ready to book? Have questions?

Contact me at connect@imsotango.com

Tango doesn’t have to be complicated…