I’m Yelizaveta

I have been dancing tango since 2009 and teaching movement and body mechanics since 2001.

I believe that we are all dancers by nature and every person has their own unique movement language that is waiting to be discovered. My job is to help you find the quickest, most effortless path to becoming the dancer you want to be. I do this by applying a 3-pronged approach that I have been developing for the past 10 years.

Movement. Mindset. Musicality.

Together in our sessions we will discover which pathway is the most natural and necessary to address for you to get to the next phase of your learning.

As a result of our work together you will develop a natural understanding of who you are as a dancer, your style, your musicality, how your body likes to move and how you move it in a way that’s sustainable long term.

You will be able to make informed decisions about who to dance with, which events to attend, how to choose workshops or whom to study with next.

You will be an empowered artist in your own right, expressing yourself through movement whether on stage or in the privacy of your living room.

My ambition is to empower dancers to develop their own “voice” and express their own unique creative vision.

I hope we get to work together soon!