It has the power to sweep you off your feet and keep you afloat for hours. It can also depress you, making you feel like you donโ€™t know what youโ€™re doing.

Why is that? How is it that we dance really well to some music but not other? How do we know what โ€œgoodโ€ music is? How do we learn to wield this power to our advantage so that we can grow into new possibilities of expression and personal creativity?

My reasons for creating this course are twofold. On the one hand I believe that tango evolves through the people who dance it, not through the select few professionals who represent the perfected and polished tango (โ€œtheoretical tangoโ€ I call it).

The tango that Iโ€™m talking about is kind of the opposite of that. It is full of imperfections and unfinished thoughts. It is a churning soup of conflicting opinions and feverish yearning for magic. This tango needs us, in all of our imperfect glory to continue and evolve.

All of us need to have the basic necessary skills to successfully participate and contribute meaningfully to tango evolution. Most of us, more or less, have an adequate understanding of the available vocabulary, basics of floor craft (although that can always stand to improve some more), and general etiquette dynamics.

What most social dancers struggle with today is the lack of understanding, misunderstanding, and confusion around the basics of musicality - what it is and how to use it to develop your own personal style and help bring innovation to tango.

My other motive for doing this course is so that we all have more fun! Being able to really express yourself and have the skills and knowledge to really play is the ultimate tango experience. Music is the bridge that connects everything together, synchronizing our heartbeats, our bone rhythms, our breath.

But to get there, we have to know the basics. I think of it like chess. In order to play chess, you have to first learn how to move the pieces. This course is your guide to learning how to move the pieces in the game of social tango.

Welcome to my comprehensive, foundational musicality training designed to increase your confidence, elevate your dance skills, and help you get better quality dances more frequently.

In this 6-part series you will learn

๐Ÿ‘‰ historical overview and development of Argentine tango music

๐Ÿ‘‰ essential musicality concepts and how to apply them to your dance

๐Ÿ‘‰ differences between major tango music styles and how to express them

๐Ÿ‘‰ most popular tango orchestras and how to recognize them

๐Ÿ‘‰ basics of DJing and how to construct a successful playlist

The series includes:

๐Ÿ‘ 6 live sessions

๐Ÿ‘ recordings of the live sessions available for replay until November 29

๐Ÿ‘ worksheets and exercises

๐Ÿ‘ curated Spotify playlists


$180 before September 27

$200 after September 27